How to prevent your cell
phone from hanging
Cell phone getting hanged is a common
issue mobile phone users are facing worldwide. It is so annoying when you have
some important work to do but your phone refuses by getting hanged. You are out
of moves and all you can do is to wait and watch. There are some reasons
behind it. You can prevent your phone from hanging though.
Here are 5 tips you can use to prevent your phone from getting hanged.
Tip 1: Uninstall
all antivirus and cleaning apps from your phone. These apps are one of the
reasons for your phone getting hanged.
Tip 2: Only keep the
apps you really need. Any apps you don’t need should be uninstalled. More the
apps in your phone slow the performance. These apps may at times dangerous
for your phone because all these apps keep increasing the data storage and
finally hang your phone.
Tip 3: Your apps
make a large amount of data inside your phone. Over the time the data gets
increased. At regular intervals keep clearing the data of apps you use. It will
keep your phone healthy.
Tip 4: Try to install
the apps in SD Card instead of internal memory as it puts a lot of pressure on
RAM and phone starts to hang. If you have already installed apps to internal
memory, move them to SD Card.
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Happy Learning...!!!