In this video you learn how to manage multiple companies in Tally.ERP9.
Tally.ERP9 is one of the most simple and complete business solutions available in the world. Anybody who has a basic knowledge of accounts can use Tally. It is easy to learn, configure and use Tally.ERP9
Nowadays computerized accounting has become a necessity for every business. Computerized accounting is a best way to maintain the accounts in easy and accurate mode. With the help of computerized accounting, you can easily meet your accounting needs.
There are 27 video tutorials in this series. it is recommended for the viewer to watch all the videos serially (From video number 1 to video Number 27).
At the end of the video series you will be able to:
- Create your own company
- Configure you company.
- Create Sundry Creditor and Debtor accounts.
- Create Sales and Purchase Ledgers.
- Create A Capital Account.
- Create Different Bank accounts of your company.
- Create direct and indirect Expenses Accounts.
- Create Fixed Assets Accounts.
- Add Cash from your Capital account using (Journal Entry)
- Deposit cash in bank accounts using (Contra Entry)
- Transfer Cash from one Bank account to another using (Contra Entry)
- Purchase Fixed Assets for Your Company.
- Create Inventory Items in your company.
- Purchase Inventory Items for your company. (Purchase Entry)
- Sale Inventory Items from your company. (Sales Entry)
- Make payments to Sundry Creditor. (Payment Entry)
- Receive payments from Sundry Debtor. (Reciept Entry)
- Create Multiple Ledgers.
- Record Expenses.
- Enable Credit-note and Debit-note Option.
- Issue a Debit note.
- Issue a Credit Note.
- Create Employee Groups.
- Create Pay-heads.
- Create Employee List.
- Record Salary of Employees.
- Manage Multiple Companies.
Watch the video below